Bant Breen:

Rembrandt is the CEO and founder of the entertainment fusion group. If you work within the influencer space, also with celebrity endorsements, and celebrity PR events, you’ve probably heard of Rembrandt and his group. Extending that now into the clubhouse space. I think there are some other things that you’re working on.

Rembrandt Flores:

Outside of Entertainment Fusion Group (EFG), I started another company during the pandemic called Flowing Ventures. That’s where I do all my advising, angel investing, and slash advising. I figured that since I have EFG, and I help these startups on these brands, I might as well also advise them outside of EFG. Then also invest in them because I believe in these brands, and most of them are in the DTC e-commerce CPG space. It’s been funny because since I started this in the pandemic, I’ve just been noticing more and more companies start and it’s been great to see that these companies are not recession-proof or pandemic proof. They started during the pandemic. So I’m like, “Hey, I can do this too.” It’s been great. I just invested in the company. The one I’m excited about is all of them. I can name one called Pim. It’s a wellness product. It was started by Zach Williams. His father is the late Robin Williams. He started these chewables that help people who are feeling anxious or overwhelmed, or whatnot. Now I’m very calm all the time,

Bant Breen:

You were telling me about this amazing thing that was gonna change the world. I think your addiction is only grown into maybe a company.

Rembrandt Flores:

I think it’s right. My addiction is to Clubhouse right. Back then there were maybe 30,000 people on the platform. Today they have 10 million people on the platform. To say that this has caught fire would be an understatement. Needless to say, I have an addiction. I always have to find a way to monetize, or at least find a way to help people who also may have the same addiction. My friends and I, there are four of us, decided to start a management company for those on Clubhouse because now there are new influencers on Clubhouse. It’s not like Instagram, where you’re showing photos and videos. Since only audio view influencers are these thought leaders. People with huge businesses were part of the C suite SEO CMOs or people like that. We’re trying to figure out how to get brands onto the platform and do it in a very, very distinct way that is fitting for that brand and for Cubhouse specifically. Also repping the biggest names on Clubhouse. 

Bant Breen:

Why are these platforms so important today? How have these brands been built out? Or how have these platforms helped brands, essentially add another characteristic to themselves?

Rembrandt Flores:

I think that these platforms are super important because it gives you real-time data. You’re getting access to them right now. You can get culture based on what you’re getting from them on Clubhouse which is TikTok, you can see the trends. You can analyze trends. You can spot trends based on what you’re seeing on TikTok. TikTok is not live or they do have a live component, but it’s not known for its live feature. There are short videos versus Clubhouse, where you’re getting them live. When I’m in a room, and a room has 1000-2000 people in it, I know what these people are thinking because they’re talking on my stage. When they’re asking their questions, or they’re commenting, or they’re telling us what they like about the brand, not like about the brand, or anything of that nature. That’s real data. That’s live data. 

Bant Breen:

Rembrandt, thank you so much for being on UNCAGED today and we look forward to having you back. 

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