Bant Breen:
Louis is the Founder and CEO of The Voice of Purpose, a human resources and leadership development company, that helps organizations and individuals around the world build high-performing, purpose-based cultures, and lives. Tell us a little bit more about what you’re working on.
Louis Efron:
I am so excited about this platform. I’ve had about 20 years of experience working with engagement platforms and surveys and programs across major corporations. This platform essentially brings it all together with my purpose brand, which I’ve been on sort of on a soapbox with for about 10 years. To your point, I’m loving that the fact that the organization is starting to get on board, it’s been a long haul. This platform brings it all together and it measures purpose alignment in the organization, the alignment of your people’s personal purpose and organizational purpose, and that connection and synergy which drives engagement and business results. It measures engagement in general, it measures belonging and inclusion in your business. It has a remarkable retention tool to see and forecast retention challenges and address them and it also is a very user-friendly system for managers to not only get the reports on what the engagement is like, and the purpose alignment in their teams, and with their employees, but also it gives valuable advice and how to attack it, how to address it via actions within the actual application. It’s all dashboard driven. It’s a metric to help you improve and ignite engagement in your organization to drive business results and in great cultures of care.
Bant Breen:
The folks that would be rolling something this out, would this come from the Human Resources Group, or who would be the key folks that you’d want to be chatting to?
Louis Efron:
Human resource leaders are the key people that would first initially engage in the tool. I always say as an HR leader myself, that the true power and success of any HR initiative is something driven by the business. HR would be my first port of call to talk to them and demo this tool. The cool thing is, we’re able to give in this launch a one-month free trial. Anybody that’s looking to do it, can try the tool in its entirety and see how it works with no cost, no contract, and no strings attached, which is sort of cool. Ultimately, the goal is to have it embraced by the business leaders and drive it as an initiative, because all engagement initiatives and purpose initiatives have to be driven by your C-suite and your corporate executives in the business, and HR is here to support it. The first port of call is HR, but then the goal is to embed it in businesses and help it drive business results.
Bant Breen:
I would just be curious what is making you happy? What’s bringing you joy right now?
Louis Efron:
It’s no doubt that an incredibly difficult year, but the one thing that anchors me in my life is my family, my lovely wife, and two daughters. Regardless we’ve had all our stuff in storage for last year in Colorado because we were between home moves when this whole thing hit. We were out here visiting her and her relatives, and just having the family it’s the most important thing. That makes me incredibly happy in the way my two girls have embraced the adventure with everything going on. They keep me honest. We reaffirm the things I’ve always shared with them about a positive mindset and looking at things in different ways. They keep me grounded, love them to death. That is something that’s very important in my life. Then, the ability to help people, my purpose is to enlighten, inspire and teach. I get to do that, even remotely through podcasts like this through keynotes I’ve been doing virtually, and all the work I’m doing virtually.
Bant Breen:
Louis, thank you so much for being on UNCAGED today and we look forward to having you back.
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